Application features

Kira provides a unique user experience

  • Manage reservations

    Follow-up requests for reservations and maintenance requests for cars and immediate follow-up of violations and fines

  • Big discounts

    Discounts up to 30% on car bookings

  • Technical Support

    Technical support and customer service around the clock to serve you and answer your inquiries

  • Multilingual interfaces

    Multiple support for Arabic, English and Turkish languages

  • Car delivery to your site

    Select your desired delivery location and receive your car directly

  • Instant Notifications

    Receive instant notifications of the latest offers and discounts from rental companies

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How does the app work?

The application displays all car rental offers from various rental companies, which saves the trouble of searching and comparing between different companies, just select the search area and the car you want to book and the application will display all offers from various rental companies

pick up the car

Once the data is reviewed and the reservation is confirmed, the rental company will deliver the car at the location specified by you


Choose the appropriate car, specify the duration of the reservation and the place to receive the car, and the rental company will review your request and you will receive a notification as soon as your request is confirmed


Select the region or city and the car category you are looking for, and the application will display all offers from various rental companies

Unique user experience with Kera

The application provides a seamless and unique experience that suits all users.

smooth interfaces

Ease of displaying content and speeding up data entry to complete reservations

Speed in performance

Fast and smooth navigation between the application interfaces, which enables you to view offers quickly and easily

Filter offers

Filter based on several factors such as price, model, category and others to get a quick result of what you are looking for


Download the app


Reservation requests


active user


Evaluation on the shop


The application is completely free and there are no service fees to be charged for subscription and registration

The application can be downloaded from any country in the world, but car reservations are only available within the cities and regions of the Turkish Republic

The reservation system in the application is linked to the system of car rental companies in Turkey, which requires the presence of a Turkish license for residents within Turkish territory or a foreign license for tourists whose period of stay within the Turkish territory has not exceeded 6 months

You can view the comprehensive virtual insurance with the car in the car specifications window in the application. Some companies also provide the possibility to request additional insurance at a price that is not included in the basic rental price, which you can choose from the application before completing the booking process.

Do you have any other inquiries? Send your inquiry directly here

Application interface pictures

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If you have any additional questions, you can email us on the correspondence form or visit us at our addresses below.

Administrative office

Istanbul Tower – Office 207 – Beylikduzu – Istanbul

Mobile No




[email protected]

working hours

10:00AM – 06:00PM