our clients

We are proud to serve more than 186 car rental companies

Some features of the application

Kira for companies provides many features that facilitate the management of cars with car rental companies

  • Manage reservations

    Increase sales of companies by receiving requests for new reservations on cars through the application

  • Customer Receivable Management

    Managing customer debts and accounts on car reservations.

  • Team Management

    Create accounts for the work team in the company with different powers to follow up and manage the daily operations of the company

  • Managing fines and road tolls

    Management and registration of violations and road tolls on cars

  • Managing vehicle deliveries and receipts

    Advanced management of the vehicle delivery and receipt process, automatic mileage difference calculation, and documentation of deliveries and receipts.

  • Car Maintenance Department

    Managing car maintenance requests and following up on customers’ car maintenance requests

Watch the video

What does the app provide?

The application provides two basic services for car rental companies

first : Marketing the cars of car rental companies and increasing their sales by receiving requests for new car reservations through the application

second : Facilitate the management of daily operations in car rental companies by managing car accounts, customers and the company’s team, documenting and archiving the delivery and receipt of cars to and from customers, in addition to many other advantages

Start taking reservations and expand your business

Start managing your reservations and daily operations via the app

add your car

Add your cars to the application and add their details of photos, prices and additional information

Register in the Kira Corporate App

Download the Kira corporate application and then register an account for your company

Unique user experience with Kera

The application provides a seamless and unique experience that suits all users.

smooth interfaces

Ease of displaying content and speeding up data entry to complete reservations

Speed in performance

Fast and smooth navigation between the application interfaces, which enables you to view offers quickly and easily

Instant Alerts

Instant alerts via the application for requests, violations and all company operations

Link with E-Devlet

Connect with E-Devlet and automatically retrieve fines and road tolls and send alerts automatically as soon as new violations are detected


Download the app


Reservation requests


registered company


Evaluation on the shop


The application archives all company reservations that are made through the application, and it is possible to know the details of the car reservation during a certain period of time and to know the data of the renter for the car in full during all periods, and all records of requests for a particular car can be viewed.

The application provides the feature of photographing and documenting the process of delivering or receiving cars from customers, where the car can be photographed with still images or video during the process of delivery and receipt of cars, as well as automatically calculating the difference in kilometers.

The application provides the feature of linking with the car owner’s E-Devlet account, which allows the possibility of automatically fetching violations and road tolls on cars, and sending instant alerts.

The application provides the feature of creating manual reservations so that the company can register its own reservations that receive them from outside the application. The application also provides the ability to allocate the price for those internal reservations.

Do you have any other inquiries? Send your inquiry directly here

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If you have any additional questions, you can email us on the correspondence form or visit us at our addresses below.

Administrative office

Istanbul Tower – Office 207 – Beylikduzu – Istanbul

Mobile No.




[email protected]

working hours

10:00AM – 06:00PM